
On May 21, 2011, something serious is gonna go
down and you better be ready, dear reader. While you still have time to
save yourself, we at Eyeshot have decided to forego our traditional
literary programming in favor of offering all those who currently feel
unprepared for JUDGMENT DAY to feel a little more secure thanks to the
miracle of internet commerce. What will happen on May 21 is that we
will be gathered together in the air to meet Jesus. What's cool about
this is that when this happens you'll have nothing to worry about
forever after. Soon enough, you'll be floating on a puffy white cloud
of smoke exhaled by all your favorite rock stars, who will take the
place of cherubs (those little heavenly lutes they play will be
replaced with Fender Strats, Gibson Les Pauls, and maybe even Flying
Vs). You don't want to be left behind, but unless you order some of the
stuff below, there's a very good chance you won't be prepared for the
RAPTURE and JUDGMENT DAY and, well, you'll miss the big gig in the sky
this summer. I mean, it'll be like All Tomorrow's Parties, but way
better, since BACH and MOZART and COLTRANE and MINGUS and HENDRIX and
COBAIN and SLASH and every one you can think of music genius-wise will
be up there serenading you, except maybe some of those guys might
actually not be there since they might not actually be in heaven.
Didn't think of that. But, still, there must be some cool folks to meet
up there and it'd suck, generally, not to be sucked into the sky
leaving a long trail of light out of where you used to just have an
underused loinal area and instead have to go to work and find out that
some of your colleagues were better prepared for JUDGMENT DAY and so
they got to miss work and go hang in the air with Christ and friends
while you work on your spreadsheets or whatever it is you do all day --
probably waste a lot of time on Facebook liking friends's posts about
how their preparedness will make it so they won't be left behind and
have to experience hell on earth, which will pretty much be the same as
it is now except without having to deal with all those righteous folks
who were prepared, like us here at Eyeshot. Anyway. Here's some stuff
you should have on hand
before the RAPTURE on MAY 21, 2011.
One Dunlop Purple Guitar
Pick -- $17
These picks are really important to have when
you're in heaven lazing back on puffy clouds of weed smoke.
As Many Printouts as Possible of the Following Three Recent Rock Show
Pics Printed Out in Black and White and Quickly Initialed by the
Eyeshot Editor ($7 each)



Tame Impala
A Lightly Read Paperback Copy of B.S. Johnson's Christie Malty's Own Double-Entry,
which was apparently one of David Foster Wallace's favorite novels and
deals with accounting, so is therefore necessary for those who read The Pale King and also would like
to be ready for the upcoming RAPTURE? ($47)
One of the few copies
left of BLOODFIRE by the Eyeshot Editor ($12)
Also, for a mere $1200,
we will send a personal e-mail to you on the day of the RAPTURE
congratulating you on your preparedness and wishing you luck!
To purchase any of the above, Pay Pal the
specified amount to lee at eyeshot dot net.
Please note that the
shipping of the items above, other than the personal e-mail of
congratulation, may take 4 to 6 weeks to arrive.
![OMG we're archiving etc with twitter ;-]](tb.jpg)
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the complete archive
The Legend of the Holy Drinker (Roth), All the
Sad Young Literary
Men (Gessen),
Against Nature (Huysmans), and Things: A Story of
the Sixties
& A Man Asleep (Perec) have been added to
the Readerly Resonance
Please review our recently reworked submission
to send your own postcard submissions.