
On May 21, 2014, Brad Listi's excellent
Other People Podcast aired
interview. I haven't listened to
it because my voice freaks me out. All
apologies for the sound quality. We
don't have a land-line so I had to use
Skype but didn't have a headset. Had to
use iPhone headphones with a little mic
that sound like I'm in the bottom of a
deep well of white plastic. Toward the
end, I switch to my phone -- apparently
the qualty is a little better. I've
heard I say "but" to fill silence and
clear my throat too often. Anyway, I
listened to the Other People Podcast all
winter (2013-14) while walking around at
lunch. Scroll
the archives. Great interviews to
listen to on your commute.
What else?
I've recently had three dense slabs of
text posted at Full Stop. The first bit
went up on April 17, 2014 -- it's called
Taste and includes two
illustrations that maybe make me look
(in the best possible way) a little like
a cross between ET and Mark E. Smith.
The second bit went up on April 22, 2014
-- it's a longish one-paragraph spiel
mostly about good old American
Minimalism in fiction called The
American Richards. The third one
-- called Agents
the Beach -- went up on August 20.
It's about the ebb and flow of
enthusiasm related to literary creation
and responses from agents.
I contributed a ~2K-word review of Karl
Knausgaard's My Struggle Book
Three posted by the
Philadelphia Review of Books on
April 24, 2014.
Two quotations that appeared in this
on Vice also appear on
interstitial pages (ie, black pages
separating proper essays) in the
collection of essays, MFA
NYC published by n + 1 in
February 2014. I wrote about it a
bit on goodreads -- might write
more one day soon.
On November 7, 2013, A
Prayer for Lost Phones appeared at
McSweeney's Internet Tendency.
A longish story called "Incantation for
Beard Reattachment" (title comes from this
scene in Don Quixote) is
in the Spring 2013 print issue of The
School published by Cal State,
Fresno. Not available online.
A short ranty "work" story is in the
beautiful/excellent current print issue
of Ghost
Town, edited by Kevin
Moffett, published by Cal State,
San Bernardino. Also available online.
(Looking forward to publishing in every
Cal State lit journal!)
I contributed ~4K words on Karl
Knausgaard's My Struggle Book Two
and ~3K words on Owen
Double Feature to the Philadelphia
Review of Books on May 23, 2013
and March 20, 2013, respectively — not
to mention ~1.5K on Rudolph
Slow Fade on January 16,
On December 10, 2012, Full Stop posted
a longish essay (~5K words) about
critical takedowns, and reviewing in
In the first half of 2012, I
contributed several "field reports" to The
History, an innovative wireless
collaborative project headed by Eli
Horowitz, Kevin Moffett, and Matthew
Derby that launched October 1, 2012.
Lotsa folks these days skulking around
East Passyunk in South Philadelphia,
their iPads accessing location-specific
testimonies about what happened to
silent kids in 2017 etc.
Impressions of David Foster Wallace's The
Pale King appeared in the form of
a workshop-type response in the summer
2011 issue of The
Brow. Not online.
An essay about walking and reading
("libambulating") came out on Swink
in April 2011. I tend to libambulate
daily in the warmer months, covering
about three miles/15 pages a day at
lunch, plus another three miles if I
walk to/from work instead of bike. A very
essayistic thing about walking
while reading War and Peace in
Philadelphia was also part of
"Field-Tested Books" from Coudal
Partners a few years ago.
A story involving virtual baseball,
Atum Ra, and Thorstein Veblen published
in 2008 in the third print issue of Canteen
is now available online (and accessible
in its glorious entirety as long as
you're not using Internet Explorer).
They nominated this for the Pushcart but
it didn't get selected, probably because
it involves verboten themes such as
video art (ie, filming aspects of one's
An essay about Barry Bonds and steroids
and the good ol' USA that once was
published in Barrelhouse
is also in the Best
Non-Required Reading 2007. This
essay, written in 2005, argues that
Bonds and steroids are distractions from
unseen/icebergian issues up ahead: turns
out I was unconsciously referring to the
credit-default swaps/mortgage crisis at
the time taking shape that eventually
helped capsize the economy in 2008. This
is also in an
anthology of essays from Barrelhouse.
A semi-illustrated story called Carry
Father No More is at AGNI,
published by Boston University in May
2007. I worked on this one with Frank
Conroy at first and, a few months
later, Ben
Marcus. Guess who talked about
emotion and who talked about Kafka? I
was surprised.
Another story appeared in the 2007
Fall/Winter print edition of The
Warrior Review, published by the
University of Alabama. It's not online,
though. An important story for me (a
model for how I should write) and a
great issue worth tracking down.
A blurb about a nonexistent book called
Cannibals is in The
Catalog of the Library of Potential
Literature, a cool little
collection including contributions from
a lot of famous writer folks (famous in
the online lit world at least) -- an
excellent bathroom book if you can find
Select older stories/essays, some
written in the mid-to-late '90s,
appeared herein:
Currently, eleven copies of Incidents
Egotourism in the Temporary World
can be found online for anywhere between
~$26.94 plus shipping and $2,206.64 plus
shipping. Only 250 copies were published
by Better Non Sequitur in 2004. I wrote it
in '97 or so. Thanks to Steven Coy for
putting this together/out.
Here's the history of the semi-literary
site Eyeshot's
Complex of Infidels & Crusaders
I edited from August 1999 until August
2014. The site was probably best known
for the
letters I sent and posted for over
a decade and for some of the
ridiculously good stuff collected here.
Over the years, I also posted dozens of
stories and little oddities on Eyeshot
including a story about a
Michael Jackson impersonator in Madrid
that first appeared in a 2005 print
edition of Pindeldyboz
and an
about my half-Jewishness that
appeared in an anthology from Soft Skull
Press called Half-Life:
Tales from Interfaith Homes. Brief
impressions of new and old books, the
latest of which can best be found via
the archive,
are collected here.
Most of these first appeared on Goodreads.
Otherwise, I live in Philadelphia near
the Italian Market and the dueling
cheesesteakeries with one
wife-type person, one toddler girl-type
person, and two cat-type people. I moved
to Philly from Iowa City, where I
attended the Iowa
Workshop, where I moved from Brooklyn
(Greenpoint), where I lived for
four years -- before that Princeton,
before that hometown Lawrenceville, NJ,
before that Boston, before that Austin,
before that Oberlin
College, before that hometown NJ,
before that NYC for a day or so after
being born there.
Here's what I used to look like a
long time ago. Here's what I
looked like a little before the
apocalypse. Here's a
picture of me and my daughter on
our birthday weekend in February 2014.
Here's my current very serious author
photo from November 2014.
To contact electronically: lee at
eyeshot.net. (Ask me about my
dwindling supply of unpublished
manuscripts -- only four novels, two
novellas, and a story collection left!).
To send gifts: Box 18009 Phila PA
19147. Otherwise, I'm on Facebook
-- I rarely use it for anything other
than naughty self-promotion and baby
pics -- and I inconsistently tweet
and post to instagrizzle.
I once posted 49 sloppy acoustic guitar
improvisations here.
Lately, I've been posting electric
improvised epics you can stream or
download here
-- these "songs" are also
available via iTunes and your
favorite podcast app.