To: Wedding Party From: Mike & Sarah Subject: Honeymoon photos! Just thought we'd send along a link to our honeymoon photos.We had such an awesome time in Fiji. The beaches were gorgeous We just drank drinks with little umbrellas and laid out in the sun. Thanks again, all of you, for coming to our wedding. You made our special day that much more special. We love you all – Sarah and Mike To: Mike & Sarah
I had such a great time at your wedding. Really happy for the two of you. And your honeymoon photos are gorgeous. Fiji's beaches are absolutely beautiful. You both look so happy!
Congratulations again! Best, Clay * To: Company All
Today is my last day here. I'm off to a new job and new adventures. Before I leave, I just wanted to say it was great working with all of you. I learned so much during my time here, and I have all of you to thank. Thanks so much. Keep going after it, and keep on winning, team! Best regards, Bob To: Bob Smith
Dear Bob, Good luck with your new job. We're really going to miss you around here.
Sincerely, Clayton L. * To: Paul C. Mailing List
Hey everyone, Great news! I've got a book coming out, to be released next Monday, actually. As I am sure you know, it's really important for the book to come out of the box strong. Early sales are the key to success, so I'm hoping you will support my first literary effort by buying a copy of my book right now. The book is already posted at Amazon – I know because I check out my sales ranking every two minutes! I'll be going on a book tour next month, and I will be sending out the details shortly. Hopefully I will be coming to your city, and we can catch up then in person! To: Paul C.
Congratulations on the book! Looking forward to checking it out!
Best, Clayton * To: Friends List
A lot of you have been writing, asking me how I've been doing, and so I thought I'd send along a little update. First of all, I love New York. Second, I have a great new job in publishing. Not much money (yet!), but I get to go to all these really exciting literary parties. In fact, I met Gloria Steinem last night! She's amazing, and so beautiful! It was really inspiring. I'm meeting new people and just really living it up here in the big city! My apartment is small – (true, New York style, not like Monica and Rachel's apartment on Friends!), but you can crash here anytime. So please consider a visit! Hope all is well and I look forward to hearing from you. To: Rosanne
Thanks for the update. Glad all is going well in your new city.
Take care, Clay
[Forever after at]
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bullfight review's
issue includes many people
as does the combined
schroll's novel called the famous and the anonymous is out -
an interview, one eyeshot contributor to another, all about it
tobias seamon's the magician's study is out - it's very pretty looking
copies of incidents of
egotourism in the temporary world
(by the eyeshot editor)
are still available
the bullfight
review has a new review section,
wherein they
write about the
above book
you can win $500 from
3rd Bed in exchange
for $15 and a poem
or story