TRANSMITTED March 15, 2008

To All Brave Souls:

It has been forever since we transmitted any sort of Eyeshot-brand spam. 

Today, we're interested in beginning again. That is, we're interested in ascertaining interest in another round of online literary awesomeness. And so, we invite you to people a new Eyeshot epoch with hot-hot prose. 

We recently composed a quick history of the last nine years according to Eyeshot: http://eyeshot.net/aboutus1.html

In nine years, we'll write the history of the future. 

Help us with it! You're our only hope! (That's all for now.) 


Eyeshot Al Sheriff 

Previous Spams:

Making Good On A Promise To Shareholders

Please Do What You Can Do To Help

Eyeshot Patient/Product Prescribing Information

New Work, New York: Call for Raid Responses

We Are Indescriminately Soliciting Women

Announcing an Interview With The World's 
Leading Creative Plagiarist

Announcing Eyeshot's Inaugural Reading

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