Prologue. Fade in. Exterior. Night. Medium shot. An Owl sits on a high branch in a green, though darkened, forest. Owl: Hoo. Cut to second Owl, sitting in distant tree. Medium shot. Owl 2 hears hoot of Owl 1. Zoom to Owl 2’s face. Exaggerated turn of neck. Owl 2: Hoo. Cut to Owl 1, tufts perking in recognition. Yellow eyes blink, glow. Turns to far-off source of reply. Owl: Hoo. (challenging) Quick cut to Owl 2. Owl 2: Hoo. (intense, recognizing challenge) Owl 2’s wings flap noiselessy, and he is gone. Shot lingers on empty branch. Cut to Owl 1. Ears perk. Hears Owl 2’s response. Owl: Hoo. (contemptuous) Owl flaps wings, takes off. Shot lingers on empty branch. (Snare drumbeat.) Ominous silence. Cut to Owl 2, flying, wings outstretched.
Owl 2: Hoo. (angry) Cut to Owl, also flying, wings outstretched, baring fangs, irate. (snare drum--insistent.) Owl: Hoo. (murderous rage) Series of quick cuts, Owl to Owl 2, Owl 2 to Owl. Owls become more menacing, fangs are beared and gnashed. Cut to long shot. The two owls fly toward each other, still at some distance. As they are about to meet, shot zooms in to medium range. Owl: Hoo. (now insane) Owl 2: Hoo. (equally crazed) The owls smash into each other. Immediately upon impact, cut to red.
[Forever after at http://eyeshot.net/owls.html] (* |
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