Where are you located?
In a garage addition off a bread box in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. How far will you roam for literary-related fun and excitement? Whatever's left of my lifetime (dividing my savings into a per diem accordingly). What are you working on? Combining everything I ever knew into a piece equivalent to the ultimate snazzy hair day with the wind in my face. What's your font? What font turns you on? Blood of Dracula, TagsXtreme, OCR-B-10 BT, Urine as Words. Which do you enjoy more: having sex or reading about people having sex? What about writing about sex? HAVING sex, of course. What do you like to read aloud to the person lying post-coitally beside you? Whatever shit pops into my head. I am spontaneous and free. I have a big mouth and big ears and a big . . . The perfect companion for the literary Woman of Today (no mortgage lenders, please). Is the proverbial stack of books beside your bed actually stacked there for that precise purpose? I am ADHDVD3 and can't stick with books. If you could take to bed any author, who would that author be? The woman who shadow writes for Lee Klein. If you could take to bed any fictional character, which character would that be? Jane. She must be in her early forties and I'm sure by now Dick's out of the closet. If you could sexually satisfy yourself with a book, which book would that be? "Reform School Girl" by Felice Swados. Which author do you most resemble, physically, emotionally, psychologically? Physically, Carl Ubershue. Emotionally, Charles Bukowski. Psychologically, Gilbert Sorrentino? Don't I need a therapist to get to this answer? Do you refuse to see the movie until you've read the book? It's all the same shit. Do you still remember the page number you folded over in Judy Blume's "Forever?" My memory's not Tetley, you know... Please submit both a good-sex sex scene and a bad-sex sex scene of your own composition. Please indicate which is which. Don't do blue, sorry. Good sex scene: He listened to her; she listened to him. They got to know each other real well. They fucked. They were so fucking happy, literally. Suddenly they could see it all so clearly: everyone else but them were talentless, ugly morons. They walked around without even bothering to bathe most of the time after that. Do signed first editions arouse you inexplicably? I'm more into the pen. The instrument. Thick ink that never skips. Foundling pens that can be nurtured. Does "submitting" to literary journals/websites have its sexual side? Builds confidence and frustration, the amino acids of the relationship. What books have you read while entertaining the near-constant thought "Would I sleep with this writer?" Mother Goose's Top 129. Do you wait for your partner to get up to use the bathroom before you write down the things he/she said to you while having sex or do you whip out the notebook while he/she is still panting in the bed beside you? The Squirt Queen never gets up to pee. (I've laminated everything I ever wrote.) Or do you keep a tape recorder beside the bed for just such a purpose? What, and stop the mood music? *** To contract Drachen Fliegen, send an introductory e-mail to mercatorpile@yahoo.com. To review work by Mr. Fliegen on this site, we recommend the following, presented below in the opposite chronological order which they arrived here: Interview With An Autopublisher Heresy & Plagiarism in a Time of Blandishing An Ongoing Correspondence
Mr. Fliegen also maintains several elaborately unfolding sites, such
as The Mercatorpile,
I Shot Britney, and
Fliegen in Norden. When not in literary flight, he records music
with an outfit called Satanic
Muppet Lice.
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