Standing at a bar I heard the sound, right behind me, of a sharp quick fart, like a wooden match striking. When I turned I confronted a sight only the word humongous could accurately depict -- a female at least a foot taller than I was and approximately the width of the Great Wall of China. She was smiling flirtatiously at me and, though taken aback by her appearance (not to mention her method of getting my attention), I quickly recovered when I realized the opportunity she was presenting me with. Here was my chance to cross gross obesity from the list of body types I hadn't yet scored. In a brief conversation -- during which it occurred to me that she'd be almost agreeable-looking if she just lost 300 pounds -- Peggie told me she was a cashier at a Kalamazoo, Michigan supermarket (a career chosen, she readily admitted, for the substantial food discount it offered); that she had once played a Packard convertible in a high school production of "Grease," and that her parents had tragically expired in a suicide pact just weeks after her birth. Then she invited me to her hotel room. (As we were leaving, I saw the bartender, who could not, of course, have understood my agenda, shaking his head in disbelief. "That's it," he nudged the customer slouched in front of him. "Right there -- that dude. That's the definition of drunk.") At her hotel, to which we necessarily took separate cabs, the first thing Peggie did was crack open, and inhale, the complete contents of a package of Mallomars. Then, from a utility-kitchen refrigerator, she retrieved and devoured (in exactly what order I don't recall) a container of chicken wings, a combo plate of tacos and an economy-size tub of Velveeta. Finally she put a Barry Manilow tape into her boom box. Now it's not that I mind Barry Manilow all that much, but the more appropriate
musical accompaniment to the night's activities would have been the theme
from "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The thing was -- and my insistence
You're thinking that I had only myself to blame, that not to stop and ask for directions is typical of a man. Well, I swear, I was just about to when I heard, in the distance, what sounded like the swift currents of a babbling brook. Groping my way toward the sound it increased in volume until it was a deafening roar and I knew I was directly above its source. Reasonably confident that I'd located Peggie's stomach, I paused to collect myself and survey my surroundings. In the absence of a compass I was looking for some sort of marker with which to establish my coordinates. When I noticed that the horizon ahead of me was blocked by an especially pronounced elevation in the terrain, I reasoned that I was likely facing north. With a cautious optimism I began, then, to crawl slowly backwards. You can imagine the rush I got when before too long my toes were caressed by a soft and lush foliage, and then bathed in the gentle bubbling of a warm spring. I was at last at the pleasure grove. Feeling like a world-beater, I was glowing with a sense of accomplishment and I have to confess that I indulged myself in a moment of pride. Relying on my instincts and wit, persevering in the face of exceptional difficulties, I had achieved an elusive goal other men would certainly have given up on. The moment was short-lived, however. After effecting penetration my mettle was tested some more. Twice I was jettisoned (and put in jeopardy of becoming a ceiling fixture) by the astonishing power of Peggie's pelvic motion. It was really disappointing. Each time I was forced to go back to square one and I had to reach deep inside myself for a sticktoitiveness that I wasn't at all sure I possessed. But I hung tough and on my third expedition, with my eyes now accustomed to the dark, I was recognizing landmarks and proceeding with dispatch. At the treasure chest within minutes, I managed, this time, to more or less stay put and, let me tell you, like clinging to the back of a great whale in a high sea, those final seconds were every bit as exhilarating as the Splash Mountain ride at Disney World. In the morning, Peggie, cheery and humming to herself (doubtless never
before the object of such committed attention), seemed unaware of my odyssey.
After eating a cake, and washing it down with a quart of chocolate milk,
she asked me if she could take a time-delay Polaroid of the two of us naked
in bed. (Should you ever come across this picture, I am in it. That's the
top of my head, not a puppy, just behind her left ankle.) Then she announced
that she was cutting her trip short and returning home. There was no reason,
she said, to remain in New York now, because no big-city experience that
she might imagine could possibly surpass her night with me.
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