Dan Rather: Yo, stromi. Camille Paglia: stromi? Dan Rather: I don't know. Dan Rather: It was something I heard on some negro's boombox. Dan Rather: I think it's an amalgam of homey and pastrami. Camille Paglia: mmm. Dan Rather: You would want a homey's pastrami. Camille Paglia: better than your clit. Dan Rather: Touche. Camille Paglia: greta van sustern and i were going to ask you something Dan Rather: ? Camille Paglia: we thought it was a strange thing to wonder Camille Paglia: and then we thought Camille Paglia: "who could answer this?" Camille Paglia: and said Camille Paglia: "dan could Camille Paglia: he knows a lot of crap." Camille Paglia: but i can't remember what we were wondering Dan Rather: Delightful story. Dan Rather: Maybe Greta remembers. Camille Paglia: no Camille Paglia: i just asked her Dan Rather: In your bed? Camille Paglia: of course Dan Rather: Oh well. Dan Rather: It was probably something about pedophilia. Camille Paglia: ... Camille Paglia: http://www.niftylifty.com Dan Rather: Greta seemed disturbed the day I knew too much about necrophiliacs. Camille Paglia: "specially contoured" Camille Paglia: how much could you possibly know about them? Dan Rather: Enough. Dan Rather: The most famous necrophiliacs are French. Dan Rather: The French are bastards. Camille Paglia: well Camille Paglia: i'll be sure not to die in france. Dan Rather: Good plan. Dan Rather: Nice toilet seat. Dan Rather: Howard Hughes must have designed it. Dan Rather: A great line in court was when the
Camille Paglia: haha Dan Rather: Like you could ever justify it. Camille Paglia: everything i know about necrophilia came from watching "kissed" Dan Rather: What's that? Camille Paglia: a movie about some necrophiliac woman Camille Paglia: it inspired me to molest princess diana Dan Rather: Nice. Dan Rather: My movie necrophilia extends as far as Weekend at Bernies. Camille Paglia: haha Camille Paglia: i'm shopping for soap dishes. Dan Rather: New soap dishes deserve new soap. Camille Paglia: i have new soap. Camille Paglia: but i'm sure it won't be new by the time i get soap dishes. Dan Rather: With Greta around, I guarantee it. Dan Rather: I hate when bar soap turns into broken slivers. It annoys me. Camille Paglia: me too Dan Rather: It's like I wash my hands and groan, "Ohhh." All defeated. Camille Paglia: considering your pate Camille Paglia: you've been defeated Dan Rather: Bitch. Camille Paglia: anyway i'm shopping for a dish that is Camille Paglia: aesthetically pleasing Camille Paglia: and that has proper drainage Camille Paglia: so the soap doesn't sit in its own stagnant juices Dan Rather: Get a Charles Kuralt commemorative soap dish. Dan Rather: He was a dirty bastard. Camille Paglia: no. Dan Rather: Oh yes. I hate the stagnant juices. Dan Rather: It becomes gummy... And by the time you touch it, it's cold. So it's clammy. Camille Paglia: yes Dan Rather: It's like washing your hands with a raw oyster. Camille Paglia: or jerking you off Dan Rather: I knew Dick Nixon, and believe me, you've never handled Dick. Camille Paglia: i only have bar soap for my face Camille Paglia: so it's even worse Camille Paglia: i use liquid soap for my hands Dan Rather: I switch. I'm inconsitent. I think I'm bi. Camille Paglia: i just have bar soap because it's schmansy burt's bees tomato soap Camille Paglia: normally Camille Paglia: i prefer liquid soap across the board Camille Paglia: dykes show solidarity Camille Paglia: and avoid oiliness Dan Rather: Yes. You would not want to go on stage at Sarah Lawrence and look like your forehead was excreting napalm. Camille Paglia: ahahah Dan Rather: Did I show you I was reading this? Camille Paglia: nope Dan Rather: I really like it so far. I am a little past the halfway point. I just hope the ending doesn't suck. Camille Paglia: do you ever hope an ending does suck? Dan Rather: Yes. Dan Rather: Call me a masochist. Dan Rather: Mr. Masochist, that is. Dan Rather: Whips, chains, and poor endings to novels. Dan Rather: That's what I deal in. Camille Paglia: okay. Dan Rather: Is handling newspapers like playing guitar? Sooner or later your fingers callous until they are impervious? Camille Paglia: no Camille Paglia: every paper cut is like the first
Dan Rather: There's a kung fu premise for you. Dan Rather: Wong Fey, master of the multipurpose medium bond paper. Dan Rather: Going back to what you said, before I had a Kung Fu theater moment... It wouldn't be so bad if sex was like paper cuts then. Dan Rather: Every orgasm is like the first one. Camille Paglia: that actually Camille Paglia: doesn't sound that great Dan Rather: For you, maybe. But that was the most magnificent three seconds of my life. Dan Rather: If I bottled that, I could power the state of Utah for a month. Dan Rather: But Mormons are dead inside, anyway. Dan Rather: What do they need electricity for? Camille Paglia: haha Dan Rather: Ted Bundy was on to a good thing in Utah. Weed out the Mormon bitches. I mean, in a religion where, even if you're the same age, male missionaries are "Elders" and female are "Sisters." He was doing them a favor and freeing them from the patriarchy. Dan Rather: Mass murder = freedom. Dan Rather: I think Abraham Lincoln said that. Camille Paglia: i bet he did. Camille Paglia: i have to go to bed Dan Rather: He also said Jefferson Davis has a hot ass. Camille Paglia: greta is calling me though i'm beat. Dan Rather: But that's off the record. Camille Paglia: no Camille Paglia: that was me Camille Paglia: i said jefferson davis has a hot ass Dan Rather: You bitch. Dan Rather: You would overlook my ass for a Confederate one. Dan Rather: Well, sleep then. Dan Rather: I hope it's the long one. Camille Paglia: shut up, masochist. Camille Paglia: yeah, yeah. Dan Rather: I hate you. Camille Paglia: i hate you more. Camille Paglia: night bastard. Dan Rather: Night bastardess |
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