EATS VERMICULITE BY DRACHEN FLIEGEN into the land of the vermifuge, dark and foreboding, where traffic moves
too fast or either not at all.
sewer happening. appropriate farrow. i thinks that's absolutely discussable. james, bring in the novelty foods. where the call is received, that is where the fund raising takes place.
the overturned cans are caused by kitties. not art, just a buncha pussies. the 1897 pass out. the 1997 shootout. the 1779 crap out?
your breasts
888888888you want to be a part of. 888888888is there such a thing as a "disturbed text"? is there a hierarchy of relevant factors? 888888888to benefit defeat. 888888888as he lounged on the red leather sofa he said: "there is a growing interest in the area." the dying area. a growing interest in the dying patch of lawn grass.
a growing interest in the dying area.
the critics of the day
i think we have rats.
equally, there is -- in the extreme case -- no diff betw "sick" and
"well", it is only society which is too weak to handle what is "different",
or "deviant."
8-1 = say it and 7-4 = don't say it 3-1 = more questions 10-1 = my poker toes
"normal" acting therefore is "conscious" acting, symbolic speech behaviour, contrary to compulsive stereotypes. 888888888compulsive strategists
blatant heliophagus eats vermiculite: we've mailed it.
answer: seven. in the town of Aurora, Texas where the tall grass harbors land shark.
the floating men: many people believe this to be one of many hoaxes started
around this time.
1897 brings us The Martian, by George Du Maurier
never remeasured. i think if people came to Iowa City, theyd see something in the middle.
888888888phago: (greek phagein --
to eat) eating, consuming.
888888888cities have learned that art can mean big plaster franking privileges. 888888888addressing letters addressing
television violence.
888888888petropolitics. petroleum jelly.
the sun shines on war.
spleenomaniacs everywhere in their bed dresses halving bottled blaff.
when the water tower toppled the starved birds were willing to consider
slurry pancakes from a can. a five gallon drum. when birds consider, the
case goes to court.
jettison the profile!
a field of violet ground ivy and patented cows which stay limber. the
cows never come home sober. they stay out drinkin' all night. they stagger
in and out of love. they leave the blinds wide open. they take cabs everywhere
and after every slam dunk, they invariably will grab the nearest short
man and yell "dot-com! dot-com, mutherfucker!" in his quivering face.
great-great grandmother pickled hay.
scowling face - quivering face
thinking, quivering face
cities have learned that art can mean big women. her husband drank hay squeezin's on the sly. occasionally, you could
find the seeds, rancid and moist, in his peppery beard.
s o u r c e s
unexplained increases in tourism, back to top. |
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