Experiment Number 13 Take some threads of asbestos and place them in an ashtray, being careful to dump out the old butts and ashes. Make sure Mother is asleep and light a match. Try to burn the asbestos threads. Do they burn? Do they melt? It is hard to imagine a thread that is not affected by fire. Light the threads on your shirt. They burn, don't they? But this is the miracle of the silky thread-like fibers of asbestos, a mineral that is usually found in the veins of other rocks. The name asbestos comes from Greek words meaning indestructible, but it took an American to realize its true potential. Now you know that asbestos will not burn. Nor
will it rot, rust, or decay. Asbestos has many uses in factory and home.
It is an excellent insulating material. It can be woven, and as it won't
burn, it makes perfect clothing for fire-fighting and sleepwear for children.
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