APOLOGIES, ANNOUNCEMENTS Regular visitors to Eyeshot have noticed a reduction in the posting-frequency of new works. We fear this infrequency has led regular visitors to head for the greener pastures of more fresher-smelling locales. This space is actually intended to feature new additions to the site. The new addition you're reading is not a new addition, not really. It's more of an excuse, including a few worthwhile places to go.
So we stalled for awhile with Brian Doyle's Celebration Project, a text-and-image thing with lots of fine photographs of Disney's fabricated town in Florida. We were glad to pause Eyeshot's Updating Frequency on Mr. Doyle's project, however. No regrets about this at all.
We are not sure how things will proceed from now on. We welcome your participation. Haze your whiny trysts like slyvesters from 7-Eleven!!! Or simply, read a book. Or read something about the Knicks. Or read something about a roommate loudly fucking.
Places to go include a revamped music video for Journey's Don't Stop Believing. And something else called Hyakugojyuuichi! And a must-see extravaganza featuring an elaborately inventive confluence of kitty torture and interior design: Bonsai Kitten. There's also an opportunity for funderstanding with this rollercoaster thing. We thank those who forwarded these links. Others: please do so too.